+977 9841127529
Together for Equality and Prosperity

Livelihood and Income Generation

▪ A group of 5 separate farmers was formed and handed over to the group of farmers

▪ Cows and buffaloes are being reared in two cooperatives.

▪ One of them is engaged in goat rearing.

▪ Community Base Agriculture farming in 5 districts

▪ One of them is running a milk processing business.

▪ Recently this CP Nepal under a project with the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens, Government of Nepal

▪ Free Goats have been distributed to a group of 50 poor, Dalit and marginalized women and free sewing machines have been distributed to 10 people.



▪ Community Partner Nepal has facilitated to construct more than 1000 Toilets in different communities 2-year time of span 40 VDCs are successfully verified for monitoring.

▪ Nearly 50000 populations are sensitized about the sanitation and hygiene.

▪ Formation and orientation to W-WASH-CC

▪ Mobilization of FCHVs, political leaders, child clubs, stakeholders etc for sanitation and hygiene.

▪ Coordination with W-WASH-CC and RM/M-WASH-CC.

▪ Orientation to the SMC/PTA, teachers, parents, child clubs for total sanitation.

▪ Orientation to the selected small entrepreneurs for the promotion of sanitation stuffs.

▪ Orientation to the community women to utilize the wastage plastics, paper, plastic and glass bottles.


▪ People were aware on HIV/AIDS and knew how to prevent from incidence of HIV/AIDS

▪ People were aware on hand washing and knew how to prevent from water borne disease.

▪ People knew how to control and treat ARI in child

▪ People knew about importance of new born care

▪ Rural community people aware on Malaria

▪ People aware on Leprosy


▪ Access of the dalit, Muslim, girls increased to school

▪ Household monitoring of children for school enrollment

▪ Regular student attendance tracking in school to reduce dropout

▪ Regularity of teachers in school has been increased

▪ Increased capacity of SMC and PTA for social audit of school

▪ Formation of code of conducts for schools in participation of stakeholders meeting in schools

▪ Reduction of school closing days due to strike by conflicting parties in the schools

▪ Schools have been declared as Zone of Peace

▪ 49,539 community people are oriented, educated and made aware on the safer migration practices to be employed while going for foreign employment

▪ ECED enrollment has been ensured 100% (all 725 children goes to ECED, among these Girls 47%) in the project area

▪ Enrollment of ECED graduates from ECED to grade 1 has been increased to 91% (Girls 87% Dalit 29%)

▪ 32 mothers’ groups and 16 girls’ networks are formed and mobilization for quality education

▪ Promotion rate from Grade 1 to Grade 2 has been increased to 715 (F=82% and Dalit=50%)

▪ All SMC, PTA and Child Clubs are functional in all 34 schools

▪ 5 role model school has been promoted with indicators as:

✓ 100% enrollment in ECED and 87% in Primary grade

✓ Average attendance of students is 83%

✓ SSA carried out in all schools

Child Development and Child Rights:

▪ Province no. 2 Stakeholders and 5 Municipality Level Members aware about the Child Marriage Policy of Nepal Government. In province no.2 policy dialogue was conducted in Municipality level and Province level.

▪ 60 youths and woman are aware and sensitize about child Marriage.

▪ 2500 HHs knew about the literacy campaign

▪ They are aware about enrollment of their child in school

▪ Child labors were discouraged by street play

▪ They knew about importance of education

▪ 700 children were literate

▪ They were encouraged about school going

▪ 210 children working in hotel at difficult circumstances were made to read and write

▪ They encouraged about school going

▪ 250 male & female (parents) were oriented on child right

▪ They were encouraged to reduce gender discrimination

▪ Increased awareness on child rights, child club management and leadership to 700 children

▪ Increased awareness on burning issues of children to 700 children

Women Empowerment and Advocacy:

▪ Community people knew about the literate Nepal campaign

▪ 1320 women literate

▪ Increased awareness/sensitization on gender issues by street play and documentary

▪ Women who are victims of violence have benefited from psycho-Socio counseling during program period

▪ Women were mobilized as leaders to advocate for women rights

▪ Women were trained about income generation, activities like animals keeping kitchen gardening

▪ More than 1500 community people are made aware about the Renewable Energy Technologies that people can employ for energy efficiency

▪ 30 women were mobilized as leaders to advocate for women rights

▪ 150 women were trained about income generation, activities like animals keeping kitchen gardening

▪ They were inspired to drive their life style by using local means and resources

▪ 1230 women were organized for their rights and legal proceedings of the justice system.

Health and Sanitation:

• People were aware on HIV/AIDS and knew how to prevent from incidence of HIV/AIDS

• People were aware on hand washing and knew how to prevent from water borne disease.

• People knew how to control and treat ARI in child

• People knew about importance of new born care

• Rural community people aware on Malaria

• People aware on Leprosy