Livelihood and Income Generation
A group of 5 separate farmers was formed and handed over to the group of farmers
Cows and buffaloes are being reared in two cooperatives.
One of them is engaged in goat rearing.
Community Base Agriculture farming in 5 districts
One of them is running a milk processing business.
Recently this CP Nepal under a project with the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens, Government of Nepal
Free Goats have been distributed to a group of 50 poor, Dalit and marginalized women and free sewing machines have been distributed to 10 people.

Community Partner Nepal has facilitated to construct more than 1000 Toilets in different communities 2-year time of span 40 VDCs are successfully verified for monitoring.
Nearly 50000 populations are sensitized about the sanitation and hygiene.
Formation and orientation to W-WASH-CC
Mobilization of FCHVs, political leaders, child clubs, stakeholders etc for sanitation and hygiene.
Coordination with W-WASH-CC and RM/M-WASH-CC.
Orientation to the SMC/PTA, teachers, parents, child clubs for total sanitation.
Orientation to the selected small entrepreneurs for the promotion of sanitation stuffs.
Orientation to the community women to utilize the wastage plastics, paper, plastic and glass bottles.
People were aware on HIV/AIDS and knew how to prevent from incidence of HIV/AIDS
People were aware on hand washing and knew how to prevent from water borne disease.
People knew how to control and treat ARI in child
People knew about importance of new born care
Rural community people aware on Malaria
People aware on Leprosy
Access of the dalit, Muslim, girls increased to school
Household monitoring of children for school enrollment
Regular student attendance tracking in school to reduce dropout
Regularity of teachers in school has been increased
Increased capacity of SMC and PTA for social audit of school
Formation of code of conducts for schools in participation of stakeholders meeting in schools
Reduction of school closing days due to strike by conflicting parties in the schools
Schools have been declared as Zone of Peace
49,539 community people are oriented, educated and made aware on the safer migration practices to be employed while going for foreign employment
ECED enrollment has been ensured 100% (all 725 children goes to ECED, among these Girls 47%) in the project area
Enrollment of ECED graduates from ECED to grade 1 has been increased to 91% (Girls 87% Dalit 29%)
32 mothers’ groups and 16 girls’ networks are formed and mobilization for quality education
Promotion rate from Grade 1 to Grade 2 has been increased to 715 (F=82% and Dalit=50%)
All SMC, PTA and Child Clubs are functional in all 34 schools
5 role model school has been promoted with indicators as:
✓ 100% enrollment in ECED and 87% in Primary grade
✓ Average attendance of students is 83%
✓ SSA carried out in all schools
Child Development and Child Rights:
Province no. 2 Stakeholders and 5 Municipality Level Members aware about the Child Marriage Policy of Nepal Government. In province no.2 policy dialogue was conducted in Municipality level and Province level.
60 youths and woman are aware and sensitize about child Marriage.
2500 HHs knew about the literacy campaign
They are aware about enrollment of their child in school
Child labors were discouraged by street play
They knew about importance of education
700 children were literate
They were encouraged about school going
210 children working in hotel at difficult circumstances were made to read and write
They encouraged about school going
250 male & female (parents) were oriented on child right
They were encouraged to reduce gender discrimination
Increased awareness on child rights, child club management and leadership to 700 children
Increased awareness on burning issues of children to 700 children
Women Empowerment and Advocacy:
Community people knew about the literate Nepal campaign
1320 women literate
Increased awareness/sensitization on gender issues by street play and documentary
Women who are victims of violence have benefited from psycho-Socio counseling during program period
Women were mobilized as leaders to advocate for women rights
Women were trained about income generation, activities like animals keeping kitchen gardening
More than 1500 community people are made aware about the Renewable Energy Technologies that people can employ for energy efficiency
30 women were mobilized as leaders to advocate for women rights
150 women were trained about income generation, activities like animals keeping kitchen gardening
They were inspired to drive their life style by using local means and resources
1230 women were organized for their rights and legal proceedings of the justice system.
Health and Sanitation:
• People were aware on HIV/AIDS and knew how to prevent from incidence of HIV/AIDS
• People were aware on hand washing and knew how to prevent from water borne disease.
• People knew how to control and treat ARI in child
• People knew about importance of new born care
• Rural community people aware on Malaria
• People aware on Leprosy