+977 9841127529
Together for Equality and Prosperity

General Assembly

Executive Board

Executive Director

Advisory Committee

Admin Finance Unit

Media/Communication Unit

Adm Fin Officers

Program Officers

Admin Finance Ass.



Program Unit

Program  Coordinator

Feature of organization:

A)  Advisory Board

1. B.K. Aryal

2. R.K. shakya

3. Dr. Ram Chandra Pokharel

4. Dr. Sangyung Chon ( Korea )


B) Executive Committee

Governance arrangements:

CPN has Executive Board (EB) which contains 9 members out of which 4 are female and 5 are male. EB is responsible for managing and monitoring overall function of CPN. Organization’s supreme governing body is Annual General meeting comprising 9 members (4 female). There is clear demarcation of governing body and managerial body. EB appoints Executive Director who looks after operational and managerial functioning of the organization. Executive committee directs and provides strategic support to managerial unit to perform day to day activities. Besides that, senior management team does meet regularly. Minutes for meetings are prepared to document procedures, agenda, discussion and decisions of meeting. The committed governing body has divided its roles and responsibilities and monitoring overall effectiveness of the program based on their thematic areas likewise education, health, natural resource management and livelihood, WASH, DRR, Climate Change, Safer Migration, Solid Waste Disposal, Alternative Energy, media mobilization and child protection in terms of providing strategic direction to the organization in line with its VMGO.