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Together for Equality and Prosperity

Organization’s Banking Information:

Monitoring and Evaluation System in Community PartnerNepal:

To monitor the interventions of Community Partner Nepal, verifiable indicators with means of verifications and checklists will be developed for each result CP’s interventions are contributing. The monitoring of the project is carried out through the organization of review meetings with beneficiaries and stakeholders, the analysis of monthly reports from staff and the organization of regular field visits. In all the review meetings stakeholders’ participation have been essential. An annual report, summarizing the activities carried out with achievements and challenges, along with audited statement are being submitted to SWC, district stakeholders and support agencies at the end of each year.

CP Nepal has established two layered Monitoring and Evaluation Systems as:

1. Monitoring Evaluation from organization’s side

Weekly review meeting with staffs: Program officer and field staff work together on the monitoring andplanning of the day by day activities.

Monthly reporting from staff: Monthly meetings will be organized at the beginning of each month, to discuss about the activities realized during the last month of the project and to plan the following one.

Monthly Meetings with Donor: every month there will be a meeting of the projectsteering committeecomposed by representatives of the PAC Nepal and funding agency representatives. During the same meeting there will be discussed the progress of the project based on the monthly report and the planning of the following month.

Quarterly review and evaluation Meetings: on a quarterly basis there will be organized a meeting of thesteeringcommittee. During the same meeting it will be prepared the financial and narrative report that should be submitted to donor agency and there will analyze the results achieved and the problems encountered. The steering committee will be also responsible for formulating plans of action, budget planning, job description, orientation, periodical assessment, and crisis management.

Annual Review of Project: Annual joint review meetings with the project officers, district stakeholders, child representatives, representatives of parents and other stakeholders will be conducted.

2. Monitoring Evaluation from Stakeholders Side

Joint Evaluation: On quarterly basis there would be carried out the joint evaluation visit comprised by the funding agency, district level government institutions and stakeholders and the beneficiaries on the interventions carried out by CP Nepal.

Mid-term and final evaluation of the project: Mid-term and final evaluation of the project will be conducted by external evaluators through the engagement with the stakeholders at the middle and final year of the project period.

Training Conducted by Community Partner Nepal